Wednesday, December 18, 2019

TURNS OUT..........

So this year started with a health scare and a small depression. I also turned 55 this year and while I am proud of the person I have become-this year was a struggle and a huge blessing-with alot of little jaunts and travel thrown it.
As I reflect on the coming year-I reflect on my past and the things I believe to be true for me. I have made some very big turns in my health, my walk with God and my attitude:this is my attempt at poetry? and these truths, that as it turns out, I find funny, amazing and sometimes silly. So here it goes-here's to a joyous and happy 2020!!! 

TURNS OUT:::::::

  • I am blessed beyond ALL measure
  • I was broken--I am not anymore
  • I do have nice hair--and cellulite
  • I am smart--he was the fool
  • I have a strength I didn't know I had--when I am down my God lifts me up
  • My parents were right most of the time--I'm right more
  • I thought I'd found the love of my life--the best it YET TO COME
  • I made alot of mistakes--there is forgiveness
  • I am desirable--he just didn't notice
  • I am terrible at sidekicks--but "beast mode" in determination
  • I love being the "mom" to the younger people I know-and yes I plan on being THAT old lady
  • Thor with short hair is really better looking than Loki--and Captain America too ;{
  • When I make a mistake--I learn from it
  • I am not afraid of being wrong---I just don't like it  REALLY!
  • my body sags in places--my body is beautiful
  • my daughters make me proud---God's grace makes me humble
  • my friends are amazing-yep we pretty much already knew that
  • menopause and its effects on  facial hair--pretty sure we have Eve to thank for that
  • I am sensitive--just selective who I show it to
  • I long for the day I don't have to take out the garbage--I am so grateful I have a home to put it in front of
  • 'September' will always be the best Earth Wind and Fire song-and I have been blessed to share it with some very amazing friends and family live-BUCKET LIST for sure
  • I fell out of love(just a little)with Michael McDonald--I fell in love with Bruno Mars
  • I still haven't made my "official"bucket list---I'm living it
  • no matter how many push ups I do, I will have "chicken wings"-I don't think it would be wise to mention that ;}
  • I'm still kinda boy crazy-and what i really want is a man
  • life it beautiful--especially when its hard
  • it IS the small things that make the difference-it is the everyday life happens

So here's to a glitter filled 2020!!! There's lots of work,fun,excitement and kickboxing down my road ahead---if a little romance finds it way to my door, I hope I'm home to answer it--cause this girl isn't waiting for the fun to find her--I'm making it myself!!!

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