Saturday, June 25, 2022

Masks and Warriors/my 2nd attempt at poetry

This is my second attempt at poetry---never thought this would be a road I would go down.........Would love your thoughts.....

~~~~~~~~Masks and Warriors~~~~~~~~

This face I wear it seems so real-
and yet there’s a tiny, dark place I seldom reveal
This place of self doubt rebuke and fraud
Who knows I play real and I lack REAL faith inGod
I know faith is somewhere and that God wants my heart
I have desires and dreams-yet don’t believe that His will can impart
How do I know? How do I dream?
Am I just too tired, coming apart at the seams?
I have been let down——or have I let down?
Why can’t HE see-why can’t HE just say—-
I keep struggling, fighting to have my own way
Maybe it’s just time I give up my dreams-let them slip away—-

Yet, that spark of hope remains
I know deep down somewhere my faith seldom wanes.
I’m so tired of fighting, Yet can’t give up my sword
I think myself a warrior- the strength it affords
Sometimes that works well for me-sometimes it does not
Do I have the strength of heart to thicken my own plot?
Maybe it’s time for me to give up this fight—
And lean into a future  where God fights my fight.
I’m not sure I have the courage to give up MY plight?

I think it’s inevitable-
It’s just a question of how stubborn I choose to be………

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

TURNS OUT..........

So this year started with a health scare and a small depression. I also turned 55 this year and while I am proud of the person I have become-this year was a struggle and a huge blessing-with alot of little jaunts and travel thrown it.
As I reflect on the coming year-I reflect on my past and the things I believe to be true for me. I have made some very big turns in my health, my walk with God and my attitude:this is my attempt at poetry? and these truths, that as it turns out, I find funny, amazing and sometimes silly. So here it goes-here's to a joyous and happy 2020!!! 

TURNS OUT:::::::

  • I am blessed beyond ALL measure
  • I was broken--I am not anymore
  • I do have nice hair--and cellulite
  • I am smart--he was the fool
  • I have a strength I didn't know I had--when I am down my God lifts me up
  • My parents were right most of the time--I'm right more
  • I thought I'd found the love of my life--the best it YET TO COME
  • I made alot of mistakes--there is forgiveness
  • I am desirable--he just didn't notice
  • I am terrible at sidekicks--but "beast mode" in determination
  • I love being the "mom" to the younger people I know-and yes I plan on being THAT old lady
  • Thor with short hair is really better looking than Loki--and Captain America too ;{
  • When I make a mistake--I learn from it
  • I am not afraid of being wrong---I just don't like it  REALLY!
  • my body sags in places--my body is beautiful
  • my daughters make me proud---God's grace makes me humble
  • my friends are amazing-yep we pretty much already knew that
  • menopause and its effects on  facial hair--pretty sure we have Eve to thank for that
  • I am sensitive--just selective who I show it to
  • I long for the day I don't have to take out the garbage--I am so grateful I have a home to put it in front of
  • 'September' will always be the best Earth Wind and Fire song-and I have been blessed to share it with some very amazing friends and family live-BUCKET LIST for sure
  • I fell out of love(just a little)with Michael McDonald--I fell in love with Bruno Mars
  • I still haven't made my "official"bucket list---I'm living it
  • no matter how many push ups I do, I will have "chicken wings"-I don't think it would be wise to mention that ;}
  • I'm still kinda boy crazy-and what i really want is a man
  • life it beautiful--especially when its hard
  • it IS the small things that make the difference-it is the everyday life happens

So here's to a glitter filled 2020!!! There's lots of work,fun,excitement and kickboxing down my road ahead---if a little romance finds it way to my door, I hope I'm home to answer it--cause this girl isn't waiting for the fun to find her--I'm making it myself!!!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pigtailed Pheonix

It is amazing how very quickly things can change and how just when you think its all together and you know where you're heading, life's bowling ball will make a strike in your life....

Flashback. 6years ago I was preparing for my very first marathon--I was in the best shape of my life. I Had a family not without problems-but we loved each other. The kids were doing well in college and last year of high school. My marriage was not  perfect, but we had just passed the 25 year mark and I intended to grow old with this man. Or so I thought…

Within the year, my marriage fell apart, I ended up being the quintessential turning 50 and being single again. So many things in my life or up in the air at that time. Would I be able to support myself and the girls? Would I be able to keep a good co parenting relationship with my ex? How the heck was I going to be able to pay all my bills only working part time?

Through all of this the Lord has blessed me greatly. It took me three years,  but I dug myself out of the financial hole from the divorce. We sold the house and I moved into a darling townhome. The co parenting thing did not work out well and my ex and I no longer speak. I am the only parent that is present in my children’s lives. This more than anything has caused me pain for both myself and my girls.

 I felt like the phoenix rising from the ashes as I left behind the home we had shared for 20 years and moved on into what I thought would be a life full of adventure and romance. One of the things I went by the wayside as I dug myself out of my financial hole was time for exercise.
As I begin to emerge from the fog that was my “digging out” I begin to take time for myself again. I started training- getting back into physical shape. I felt so strong that I entered into another half marathon about 18 months ago. My first In about two years. I felt like I was finally getting my life back as I trained and as I got closer to the race day I  felt invincible. It felt so good to feel like I was back on track and I knew God had a plan for love and romance for me again. And I welcomed that.
Race day started-I felt so strong as I walked my way through the beautiful course is in Vancouver. And marveled at how good  I felt, and how my body just seem to slip back into those old rhythms. Then I felt a little hitch in my knee and within 100 steps I couldn’t walk or bear weight. I ended up having to be driven off the course and I could not finish the race for the first time ever in my life.  The devastation I felt at that time was so deep. It was several weeks before the swelling went down and it was several months before I could actually put my entire weight on my leg again.

As we later found out, my days of fast walking are probably over as I have Grade 4 arthritis in both my knees.  I questioned God. I was feeling like I just started taking my life back. Why did this happen? Just as I was starting back on my feet.( No pun attended)  After some joint injections and some brilliant physical therapy, I started to slowly rebound on the way back. Then in January, I started feeling really bad physically and at that time I really concerned whether or not I was going to even be able to work full-time and how that would impact my family, responsibilities and my lifestyle. I began to seriously question God as this was not what I had planned. I got mad with God and more depressed and I put on weight as I tried to figure out what the heck he was trying show me  taking me through all of this.

I have climbed slowly step by step out of this funk with Gods help,the love of my family and amazing support from my girls. I have had unflappable support and love from my very dear friend Denise and those who are close to me I’ve known how I’ve struggled in the last year. So it is with great  humility and trepidation that I signed up for a 10K this fall.
 I’ve been slowly training after a foot surgery getting stronger and stronger. What a difference 18 months makes. I was going to be happy if I could finish this race with a 20 minute time average. Five years ago I did that in my sleep. I talked Becca into doing this with me-she would be much faster, but it was so nice to have someone with me.
As I stood there waiting for the race to start, I was NERVOUS!!!! I  had flashbacks to the race I hurt myself in. I watched Becca and other jogger head off and I felt the familiar hum of excitement racing into my body.  I started out walking at a very controlled pace--I was shooting for around a 20-min mile. It took everything within my not to shoot outta the gate and write checks my body couldn't cash. About mile 2 I felt my body settle in and say thank you to me for doing this. I had a couple knee catches and my heart fluttered a bit, but it all worked out. I hit mile 4 and I decided it was time to speed up and push myself just a little, and then a little sparkle of hope hit the back of my soul as I started to really believe I could actually finish this. As I was walking, I started to realized how much my physical problems had affected my joy and optimism in my life. My legs were tired, but the last mile and a half I decided I could push it even more-and I gave it everything my outta shape, overweight body could give. As I spotted the finish line I gave it a little more and then I saw my baby girl waiting there for me as I came over the finish line and I just can't begin to tell you how amazing I felt. I dissolved into tears so proud of giving it all I had. I cried for the body I lost, I cried for the "me" I lost and had found. I cried because me feet frickin hurt--but I felt amazing!!!

As I was walking that race, I had one thought that kept going thru my head-----baby you continue to be a phoenix!!!! You have your legs, you have a family that loves and supports you. Your God is real and shows you that every single day of your life-even when you don't want Him too----- And your pigtails are your wings. Some of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movie, The Count of Monte Cristo(2002) kept running thru my brain:

Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine!Then the fates will know you as we know you: as the Pigtailed Phoenix (my editing)
I got lost for awhile---but I'm on my way back----My wonderful friends, no matter what you are facing-keep your friends and family close, let them in---they want to love and support you.Give God everything you are thinking and feeling-even the bad stuff-even your questioning, anger and disappointment--HE CAN TAKE IT!!!........Keep the image of a phoenix rising from the ashes firmly affixed in your brain.  Life is worth living-embrace it and rise to the occasion........

Monday, February 4, 2019

Backside Baby Blessings

There are few more precious times in your life where you truly notice the small moments. I have recently just started coming out of a rough couple of months in my life.  It hasn't really been one thing in particular-more like a cornucopia of bleh.

Historically, I typically have had a hard time in November and December, and  it got worse after my marriage went south and we had that first holiday season as a fragmented family. It was so tough figuring out what  our family would look like and there was so much loss that year. That was a holiday season I don't choose to repeat.

What I do remember about that time is that my family and my ex's actually rallied around us-it saddens me to the core to realize my ex and I  failed in making this transition better for my family. That being said--the "family" I have now is one that I feel blessed to have. What I have learned is that its important to grasp onto those precious simple moments that illustrate the blessings we are given in life.

We have had a year of transitions in our family. My oldest and her partner, had a rough couple of months and came to live with me for a bit. They recently found a gem of an apartment, have since adopted a cat, and are well on their way to making a good life together. To say that I am proud of her and the life she is building would be an understatement at best.

My youngest graduated college and got a job at a wonderful company-and is working for a year or so before she goes to graduate school---and it is the back of her head that gave me such joy the other morning and helped me get one step closer to getting out of the blehs I have been in.

2 weeks ago my "baby" had parked in the garage and had to leave before me-so I had to move my car out of the driveway so she could head to work.
That morning, as I sat in the alleyway looking at the back of her head as she headed to her adult job, in her first car she was paying for by going to said job, I was filled with such a sense of love and gratitude for my children. There is something so beautiful about being allowed to witness your child becoming a productive member of society.
I thought about that little bald baby-head and how she had a special spot sniffed it and the smell was so wonderful it made up for all the other smells that somehow come out of babies. (each of the girls had a different spot). I thought of the look on her big-sister's face the day she met her. I thought of the sensitive caring friend I have seen her be--and the fun I have being able to watch her grow into her the marvelous women skin that it hers. I love the friends she and her sister have become to each other.

Lately I have felt alot of pressure being the single, only parent in their lives. They don't have a relationship with their dad at the moment, and even though they are adults, I have felt a sense of tremendous responsibility that comes with divorce and having no one to help with the responsibilities that come up with having children, even as adults. I still look to my parents for advice and unconditional love---and I have been blessed by them. But when you are the only one, it changes things.

My children are not perfect and at times make me crazy. And yet I marvel at how both my girls have been a support to their momma at times when that's not their job to be doing. I am amazed at how much smarter they seem than I was at that age.
At that alleyway moment, as I looked at the backside of my baby girls head,  I was moved to tears and felt such profound gratitude for being allowed to raise these girls into adulthood.

At that time I made a little baby step outta my funk.
I have come to realize that life isn't just about the funk, its how you climb out of it. And honestly, there will never be a big light bulb moment when you say---"I've figured it out-I'm all better." It just doesn't seem to work that way--at least for me.
My funk hasn't totally lifted and the beauty of watching who my children have become has honestly been tempered with the fact that I can't share these things with my ex anymore. He's the one person that would understand and I miss that. I don't think that will ever get easier--
But what I am finding is that as I change my attitude and take joy in the simple, but most profound moments in life, you can find your way out of the funks in your life.

My life is no where near where I thought it would be even 5 years ago-and I am certainly not the Pollyana I was, but the joy I have gained thru the knowledge of what is important to me and in my life is a gift. I am learning to lean on God more and trust in His plan for my life--this is going to be the struggle of my life as I am super stubborn and want things the way I want will is strong, but His is stronger----THANK THE LORD.

In the meantime, I smile as I think of the "sniff-spots" of my girls. My sweet babies and children they were and the amazing adults I see them becoming.I will remember the daily "backside blessings" and the good in my life.
You have those "backside blessings" in your life as well----look at them, thrive on them---share them with your will change your perspective.  I would love to hear them as well.......

Friday, January 11, 2019

The gremlins in my head

My attempt at "poetry"-but it doesn't rhyme.


Slivers of Glass
Shards of Doubt

Always Knowing
Never Confirmed

No visible wounds
Insides shattered

Loving deeply
Hating silently

Feeling stuck

Beauty in the Moment
Pain just behind it

Proceeding with certainty
Unsure of Almost everything

Surrounded by LOVE
Feeling alone

Hope-trying to break thru
Fear-that it won't

Proud of living thru the CRAP
So tired of "having to"

DAMN! I look good today
Why wasn't I enough..........

Monday, September 24, 2018

Rabbit, rabbit..........what would have been...and 30 years

Rabbit, Rabbit, Piggy, Piggy.........this is a pretty raw one..

The funny thing about grief is that it sneaks up on you in ways you never imagined.  I woke up that beautiful  Saturday morning (the first of September)-looked at the calendar and said internally the phrase "rabbit rabbit, piggy piggy." The techtonic plates in my head shifted and threw me off balance so fast... That was the family phrase that my ex always said to us on the first day of the month. He'd say rabbit, rabbit and the rest of us would try to be the first to answer piggy, piggy. Usually it was my oldest that got it first. And I have been doing the feelings "whiplash" ever since.
I am feel so blessed and fortunate with the way my life is now. I really have tried to focus on the good things in my life and "repurpose"the sad/mad feelings I have when I  look back at what things were both the good and the bad. I look now with the rose colored glasses off(for the most part) so it feels somewhat counter-productive to remember the good things about that time, as I just get me sad. It also feels ungrateful and icky and dishonoring the life I have now. I honestly think, that while it takes longer, and is very painful sometimes, you heal more completely. And if I've learned anything about feelings, they certainly don't go away if you ignore them, so I am giving them their due.  I don't really want sympathy, I just think it can be helpful for those going thru simililar thoughts and feelings  to realize this is normal and you are not crazy or an idiot and not "getting over it"(these are all things I have said to myself).It has also helped me to give voice to those feelings.

I have really mourned the loss of some pretty obscure things. I miss the way my family was-I miss the stupid phrases we said, the jokes we played-the way i felt as I listened to my ex and the girls belly laugh for no real reason at all. We laugh now, but it's different.
I miss the way if I'd mention something, my ex would surf the web looking for information about it-and give me way more than I ever wanted to know about it. I have a hard time and don't like that a family get together doesnt feel totally complete without him there.  Honestly, he wasn't my best friend, but he was my stability and  I had experienced the majority of my life with him, so he was my historian in my life after we met. We were there for many life changing events in our kids and each other's lives, that I don't see us being able to talk about again. I miss talking about the girls and what/who they are. I REALLY mourn that. I miss my friendship with him. I grieve that our post marriage friendship and co-parenting relationship won't be what it could have been.

Today it would have been our 30th anniversary and I have thought alot about the 2 people we were that day--very bittersweet. I was so hopeful about the future(and I still am!!!)  I grieve the loss of the surity I had in him and the meaning of our life together. I miss the girl that believed that love could conquer all. I hate that now I question every thing he ever said and did.

I have felt the internal pressure that I havent been "moving on" as fast as I should. That if I were dealing with the divorce in a healthy and productive way, I wouldn't really be having these feelings after this amount of time. It also has been in very stark contrast to the very real good thingsI have in my life at the moment. I feel so blessed by God in my life and with my friends and family. I have such a wonderful life and I am so greatful everyday for who God is leading me into being thru this all. I feel proud of how I have handled this situation and that by doing some very hard work, I am turning into a vibrant, woman of God, who see herself in a whole different light.

So after some really good therapy, more tears than I care to admit-some serious soul searching confabs with God, I have come to a couple of conclusions--I hope this helps those who have lost something/someone you valued:

 YOU ARE NOT CRAZY-you are a living, breathing person who is grieving. And it is crazy how fast it will sneak up on you even if you know about it. Learn to recognize it, deal with it, talk to a trusted friend about it---trust me, it does help--I have gone thru 2 grief classes and it still surprises me when it crops up.

Be encourgaged that you have the ability to feel. When you hurt, you can also love and care and rejoice in the fact you are not dead-physically, mentally and spiritually. All these emotions can work together(the bad and the good) to make you a more authentic version of who you are meant to become.

Take good physical and emotional care of yourself--you need strength to survive that piece of cake if you need to. Go for a walk--look at a mountain(my favorite)(okay maybe the cake is still my favorite)

Get yourself a good support system---turns out you will probably grieve at times the rest of your life about things-this one, or others. Get help, lean on others. It does get easier, and less frequent. But honestly getting help and being able to share with others is one of the only ways I've found that works.

Love yourself, honor the feelings you have......if you need someone to talk to---find someone, call me. You are alive in this moment for a reason and a purpose.You are loved!!! and you are not crazy..I may be---but its in a good way and its in the way I choose. I embrace that I can feel and I am not bitter by sadness and loss. You are capable of this as well.

Carpe Diem

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tub notes. Sam Elliott is not in this post but will be someday

So I sit here in my tub having one of the last baths  I'll have in this house my family shared for almost 20 years, and while this tub has been almost a sacred place of renewal, place to cry when I didn't want anyone else to see, place to soothe my sore muscles and bruised emotions when nothing or no one else could-I I find it kind of bittersweet now. My new place won't have a tub at least for a long time, And the prospect of life without a deep soaker tub is frankly a little disheartening. And now  this tub that is felt like home for me and for so many years is kind of feeling less and less that way. Kind a like the shell that is this house now that the people in the things I love are pretty much out of it. My life looks so different now. it is so different than I ever imagined it being. I never thought I would leave this house unless I moved to Idaho where my second heart is. Turns out it's just a shell. It's just a wall and ceiling that sometimes leaks. Its been lived in, loved in, devastated in, just kind of laid there in, picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, going on with life in . And I will so miss this house and this tub-but I'm so glad to be leaving this house and this tub. My life now is my family with my two girls ,a crazy cat ,my wonderful family and friends ,and what or whoever life happens to throw at me. And I can't wait for what's ahead. I'll probably cry the last time I have that bath which is coming very soon. I miss the family that was in this house, But the family that's risen from the ashes is strong, beautiful and I'm so proud of it! I thought I would have the hardest time leaving and it has not been without it several bunches of tears and it's not been without it stresses-no house sale goes without hiccups and wanting to pull your hair out. But I am really ready to shut the door on the part of the life that was in this house and move on to the new part. I really like who the woman is who used to live in this house. She is fine, fun, funny, emotional, caring,vulnerable, witty, has cellulite, loves her daughters fiercely, and loves herself ---FINALLY!!