Saturday, June 25, 2022

Masks and Warriors/my 2nd attempt at poetry

This is my second attempt at poetry---never thought this would be a road I would go down.........Would love your thoughts.....

~~~~~~~~Masks and Warriors~~~~~~~~

This face I wear it seems so real-
and yet there’s a tiny, dark place I seldom reveal
This place of self doubt rebuke and fraud
Who knows I play real and I lack REAL faith inGod
I know faith is somewhere and that God wants my heart
I have desires and dreams-yet don’t believe that His will can impart
How do I know? How do I dream?
Am I just too tired, coming apart at the seams?
I have been let down——or have I let down?
Why can’t HE see-why can’t HE just say—-
I keep struggling, fighting to have my own way
Maybe it’s just time I give up my dreams-let them slip away—-

Yet, that spark of hope remains
I know deep down somewhere my faith seldom wanes.
I’m so tired of fighting, Yet can’t give up my sword
I think myself a warrior- the strength it affords
Sometimes that works well for me-sometimes it does not
Do I have the strength of heart to thicken my own plot?
Maybe it’s time for me to give up this fight—
And lean into a future  where God fights my fight.
I’m not sure I have the courage to give up MY plight?

I think it’s inevitable-
It’s just a question of how stubborn I choose to be………